Saturday, September 17, 2011




L T P Theory: 100 Marks 
4 1 - Sessional: 50 Marks 
 Total: 150 Marks 
 During of exam : 3 Hrs.


Applications of Differentiation : Taylor.s & Maclaurin.s series, Expansion by use of known series, Expansion by forming a differential equation, Asymptotes, Curvature, Radius of Curvature for Cartesian, Parametric & polar curves, Centre of curvature & chord of curvature, Tracing of Cartesian & polar curves (standard curves).


Partial Differentiation & its Applications : Functions of two or more variables Partial derivatives, Total differential and differentiability, Derivatives of composite and implicit functions, change of variables.

Homogeneous functions, Euler.s theorem, Jacobian, Taylor.s & Maclaurin.s series for functions of two variables (without proof), Errors and approximations, Maxima-minima of functions of two variables, Lagrange.s method of undetermined multipliers, Differentiation under the integral sign.


Multiple Integrals and their Applications : Double integral, change of order of integration Double integral in polar coordinates, Applications of double integral to find area enclosed by plane curves and volume of solids of revolution.

Triple integral, volume of solids, change of variables, Beta and gamma functions and relationship between them.


Vector Calculus : Differentiation of vectors, scalar and vector point functions Gradient of a scalar field and directional derivative, divergence and curl of a vector field and their physical interpretations, Del applied twice to point functions, Del applied to product of point functions.

Integration of vectors, line integral, surface integral, volume integral, Green.s, Stoke.s and Gauss divergence theorems (without proof), and their simple applications.


1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : F. Kreyszig. 
2. Higher Engineering Mathematics : B.S. Grewal.


1. Engineering Mathematics Part-I : S.S. Sastry. 
2. Differential and Integral Calculus : Piskunov. 
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics : R.K. Jain and 
 S.R.K. Iyengar 
4. Advanced Engg. Mathematics : Michael D. Greenberg

Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks.


L T P Theory: 100 marks 
3 1 2 Sessional: 50 marks
 Total: 150 marks 
 Time: 3 Hrs.



Interference: Division of wave front-Fresnel's biprism, Division of amplitude–Newton's rings, Michelson interferometer, applications. Diffraction: Difference between Fraunhofer and Fresnel diffraction. Fraunhofer diffraction through a slit. Plane transmission diffraction grating, its dispersive and resolving powers.

Polarization: Polarised and unpolarized light, double refraction; Nicol prism, quarter and half wave plates, Polarimetry; Biquartz and Laurent's half-shade polarimeters, Simple concepts of photoelasticity.


LASER: Spontaneous and stimulated emissions, Laser action, characteristics of laser beam-concepts of coherence, He-Ne and semiconductor lasers (simple ideas), applications.

FIBRE OPTICS: Propagation of light in fibres, numerical aperture, single mode and multi mode fibres, applications.


WAVE AND OSCILLATIONS: Simple concepts of Harmonic Oscillator, resonance, quality factor. E.M. wave theory-review of basic ideas, Maxwell's equations, simple plane wave equations, simple concepts of wave guides and co-axial cables, Poynting vector.
 DIELECTRICS: Molecular theory, polarization, displacement, susceptibility, dielectric coefficient, permitivity & various relations between these, Gauss's law in the presence of a dielectric, Energy stored in an electric field. Behavior of dielectrics in a.c. field-simple concepts, dielectric losses.


SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY: Michelson-Moreley experiment, Lorentz transformations, variation of mass with velocity, mass energy equivalence.

NUCLEAR PHYSICS: Neutron Cross-section, Nuclear fission, Moderators, Nuclear reactors, Reactor criticality, Nuclear fusion. Interaction of radiation with matter-basic concepts, radiation detectors-ionisation chamber, G.M. Counter, Scintillation and solid state detectors, cloud chamber and bubble chamber.


1. Physics of the Atom - Wehr, Richards & Adair (Narosa)
2. Perspectives of Modern Physics - Arthur Beiser (TMH)
3. Modern Engineering Physics – A.S. Vasudeva (S. Chand)


1. Electricity and Magnetism – F.W. Sears (Narosa)
2. Physics Vol-I & II – Resnick & Halliday (Wiley Eastern)
3. A Text Book of Optics – Brij Lal & Subramanyam

Communication skills in English

L T P Theory: 100 marks
3 1 Sessional: 50 marks
 Total: 150 marks
 Time: 3 Hrs.


Communicative Grammar:

Part A : Spotting the errors pertaining to nouns, pronouns, adjective and adverbs; Concord - grammatical concord, notional concord and the principle of proximity between subject and verb.

Part B : Changing the voice : from Active to Passive and Passive to Active.


Lexis: Idioms and phrases; Words often confused; One-Word Substitutes; Formation of words (suffixes, prefixes and derivatives);


Oral Communication:

Part-A: Introduction to principal components of spoken English – Transcription, Word-accent, Intonation, Weak forms in English

Part-B: Developing listening and speaking skills through various activities, such as (a) role play activities, (b) Practising short dialogues (c) Group discussion (d) Debates (e) Speeches (f) Listening to news bulletins (g) Viewing and reviewing T.V. programmes etc.


Written Communication: Developing reading and writing skills through such tasks/activities as developing outlines, key expressions, situations, slogan writing and theme building exercises, dialogue writing, interpreting pictures/cartoons.


(For Internal Evaluation Only):

Book Review – Herein the students will be required to read and submit a review of a book (Literary or non-literary) of their own choice. This will be followed by a presentation of the same in the class


Technical Writing:

(a) Business Letters, Format of Business letters and Business letter writing
(b) E-mail writing
(c) Reports, Types of Reports and Format of Formal Reports
(d) Press Report Writing


1. Language in Use (Upper intermediate Level, Adrian Doff Christopher Jones, Cambridge University Press
2. Common Errors in English, Abul Hashem, Ramesh Publishing House, new Delhi.
3. Objective English, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Spoken English for India, R.K. Bansal & J.B. Harrison, Orient Longman, Delhi.
5. The sounds of English, Veena Kumar, Makaav Educational Software, New Delhi.
6. English Phonetics & Phonology, P. Roach, Cambridge University Press, London.
7. English for Engineers and Technologists: A Skill Approach, Vol. 2, Orient Longman, Delhi.
8. Business Communication, M.S. Ramesh and C.C. Pattanshetti, R.Chand and Company, Delhi
9. Group Discussion, Sudha Publications/Ramesh Publishing House, New Delhi.
10. English Grammar & Composition. By Rajinder Pal & Prem Lata Suri, Sultan Chand Pub. New Delhi.


All questions will be compulsory and will cover all the aspects of the syllabus except unit V. There will be sufficient internal choice.

Unit-I: 20 Marks

Questions No. 1 will require the students to carefully read the sentences given and trace the errors, if any, and then supply the correct alternatives/answers.

Unit-II: 20 Marks

Question No. 2 may have four or five parts testing knowledge of different items of vocabulary.

Unit-III: 20 Marks

Question No. 3 will have four parts of 5 marks each from part A of the unit.

Note: Speaking and listening skills of part B will primarily be tested orally through internal assessment.

Unit-IV: 20 Marks

Question No. 4 may have many parts. The questions will be framed to test students' composition skills on the elements prescribed in the unit. For example, the students may be required to develop a hypothetical situation in a dialogue form, or to develop an outline, key expression etc.

Unit-V is for internal assessment only.

Unit-VI: 20 Marks

Question No. 5 may have two parts. While the one part may require the students to frame either a press/news report for the print media or write the given business letter, or e-mail a message, the second part will have a theory question on the format of formal report and business letter.

 Elements of Electronics Engg.

L T P Sessional:25 Marks
3 1 2 Exam.75 Marks
 Total:100 Marks
 Time: 3 Hrs.


Semiconductors p-type, n-type, pn junction diodes, pn junction as a circuit element, its characteristics, half wave and full wave and bridge type rectifier circuits basic filter circuits, Doide as voltage multiplier, clipper & clamper circuit. Zener diode as a voltage regulator. LED its characteristics construction & applications


Characteristics of transistors in different configuration. Concept of d.c. and a.c. load line and operating point selection. Various amplifiers configurations their h-parameter equivalent circuits determination of voltage gain current gain input resistance and output resistance & power gain. Concept of feedback in amplifiers, different oscillators circuits (without analysis)


Differential amplifier and its transfer characteristics. IC Op-Amps, its ideal & practical specifications and measurement of parameters. Op-Amp in different modes as inverting amplifier non inverting amplifier scale changer, differentiator & integrator.


Characteristics of JFET, MOSFET, Various amplifier configurations using FET. Characteristics and Construction of SCR, TRIAC, UJT. Their basic areas applications.

Reference :

1. Electronic Devices & Circuits - Boylstad & Nashelsky. 
2. Integrated Electronics By Millman & Halkias.
3. Electronic Principles – Malvino
4. Principles of Electronics – V.K. Mehta, Shalu Melta.
5. Electronic Circuits – Donald L. Shilling & Charles Belowl

Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks.

Electrical Technology

L T P Theory: 100 marks
3 1 2 Sessional : 50 marks
 Total: 150 marks
 Time: 3 Hrs.


D.C. CIRCUITS: Ohm.s Law, Kirchoff.s Laws, D.C. Circuits, Nodal and Loop methods of analysis. A.C. CIRCUITS: Sinusoidal signal, instantaneous and peak values, RMS and average values, phase angle, polar & rectangular, exponential and trigonometric representations; R,L and C components, behaviors of these components in A.C. circuits. Concept of complex power, power factor.


TRANSIENT RESPONSE: Transient response of RL, RC and RLC Circuits with step input. NETWORK THEOREMS: Thevenin.s theorem, Norton.s theorem, superposition theorem, maximum power transfer theorem, Star to Delta & Delta to Star transformation. SERIES AND PARALLEL A.C. CIRCUITS: Series and parallel A.C. circuits, series and parallel resonance, Q factor, cut-off frequencies and


THREE PHASE CIRCUITS: Phase and line voltages and currents, balanced star and delta circuits, power equation, measurement of power by two wattmeter method, Importance of earthing. TRANSFORMERS: Principle, construction & working of transformer, Efficiency and regulation.


ELECTRICAL MACHINES: D.C. Machine: Principle, construction, EMF equation, Torque Equation, Types of Machine, internal & external characterstics, speed control.
Induction motor: Principle, construction, EMF equation, Types of motors, slip concept, Synchronous motor: Principle, construction, Types of motors


1. Basic Electrical Engg (2nd Edition) : Kothari & Nagarath, TMH
2. Electrical Technology (Vol-I) : B.L Theraja & A K Theraja, S.Chand


1. Electrical Engineering Fundamentals : Deltoro, PHI
2. Network Analysis :Valkenburg, PHI


L T P Sessional : 50 Marks
3 1 - Exam.: 100 Marks
 Total: 150 Marks
 Time: 3 Hrs.


Thermodynamics - Second law, concept of Entropy, Entropy change for an ideal gas, free energy and work functions, Free energy change, Chemical Potential, Gibb's Helmholtz equation, Clausius - Clapeyron equation, Related numerical problems with above topics. Phase-Rule - Terminology, Derivation of Gibb's Phase Rule Equation, One Component System (H2O System), Two Components systems, Eutectic system (Pb-Ag), system with congruent (Zn-Mg), systems with incongruent (Na-K), Applications of above Systems.


Water & its treatment : Part I – Sources of water, impurities in water, hardness of water and its determination, units of hardness, alkalinity of water and its determination, Related numerical problems, scale and sludge formation (composition properties and methods of prevention). Water and its treatment : Part II – Treatment of water for domestic use, coagulation, sedimentation, filtration and dis-infection, water softening, Ion-exchange process, mixed bed demineralisation, Desalination (reverse osmosis) (electrodialysis).


Corrosion and its prevention - Galvanic & concentration cell, Dry and wet corrosion, Electrochemical theory of corrosion, Galvanic corrosion, pitting corrosion, water-line corrosion, differential aeration corrosion, stress corrosion, factors affecting corrosion, Preventive measures (proper design, Cathodic protection, protective coatings). ubrication and Lubricants-Friction, mechanism of lubrication, classification and properties of lubricants, Additives for lubricants, synthetic lubricants, Greases – Preparation & properties (consistency, drop point) and uses.


Polymers and Polymerization-Organic polymers, polymerisation, various types of polymerisation, effect of structure on properties of polymers, preparation properties and technical applications of thermo-plastics (PVC,PVA), thermosets (PF,UF), and elastomers (SBR,GR-N), Silicones, Introduction to polymeric compsites. Analytical methods;its needs and different methodes;Spectroscopy; its defination and scope;salient features of spectrophotometer,brief introduction of titrimetric methodes,Elementry discussion on flame photometry


1. Engineering Chemistry, P.C. Jain, Monica Jain (Dhanpat Rai & Co.).
2. Chemistry in Engineering & Tech., Vol.I & II, Rajaram, Kuriacose (TMH).


1. Instrumental methods of Chemical Analysis, MERITT & WILLARD (East-West Press).
2. Physical Chemistry, P.W. Atkin (ELBS, Oxford Press).
3. Physical Chemistry, W.J. Moore (Orient-Longman).

Environmental Studies
(For Under-Graduate Students)
L T P Theory: 75 marks
4 Total: 100 marks
 Time: 3 Hrs.

Sessional of 25 marks for Fileld report evaluation (internal assessment)

Unit 1 :- 

The Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies Definition, scope and importance. Need for public awareness.

Unit 2 :- 

Natural Resources  Renewable and non-renewable resources :
 Natural resources and associated problems.

a) Forest resources : Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, case studies. Timber extraction, mining, dams and their effects on forests and tribal people.
b) Water resources : Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.
c) Mineral resources : Use and exploitation, environmental effects of extracting and mineral resources, case studies.
d) Food resources : World food problems, changes caused by agriculture and overgrazing, effects of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems, water logging, salinity, case studies.
e) Energy resources : Growing energy needs, renewable and non-renewable energy sources, use of alternate energy sources. Case studies.
f) Land resources : Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification.

..Role of an individual in conservation of natural resources.
..Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.

Unit 3 :-


1 Concept of an ecosystem.
2 Structure and function of an ecosystem.
3 Producers, consumers and decomposers.
4 Energy flow in the ecosystem.
5 Ecological succession.
6 Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
7 Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following ecosystem :
a) Forest ecosystem
b) Grassland ecosystem
c) Desert ecosystem
d) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries).

Unit 4:- 

Biodiversity and its conservation

..Introduction – Definition : genetic, species and ecosystem diversity.
..Biogeographical classification of India.
..Value of biodiversity : consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values.
..Biodiversity at global, National and local levels.
..India as a mega-diversity nation.
..Hot-spots of biodiversity.
..Threats to biodiversity : habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts.
..Endangered and endemic species of India.
..Conservation of biodiversity : in-situ and ex-situ conservation of biodiversity.

Unit 5 :- 

Environmental Pollution


1 Causes, effects and control measures of :
a) Air pollution
b) Water pollution
c) Soil pollution
d) Marine pollution
e) Noise pollution
f) Thermal pollution
g) Nuclear hazards

..Solid waste Management : Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes.
..Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.
..Pollution case studies.
..Disaster management : floods, earthquake, cyclone and landslides.

Unit 6 :-

 Social Issues and the Environment

1 From Unsustainable to Sustainable development
2 Urban problems related to energy
3 Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management
4 Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns. Case studies.
5 Environmental ethics : Issues and possible solutions.
6 Climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust. Case studies.
7 Wasteland reclamation.
8 Consumerism and waste products.
9 Environment Protection Act.
10 Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act.
11 Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act
12 Wildlife Protection Act
13 Forest Conservation Act
14 Issues involved in enforcement of environmental legislation
15 Public awareness.

Unit 7 :-

 Human Population and the Environment

1 Population growth, variation among nations
2 Population explosion – Family Welfare Programme
3 Environment and human health.
4 Human Rights.
5 Value Education.
7 Women and Child Welfare.
8 Role of Information Technology in Environment and human health.
9 Case Studies.

Unit 8 :- 

Field Work

10 Visit to a local area to document environmental assets-river / forest / grassland / hill / mountain.
11 Visit to a local polluted site – Urban / Rural / Industrial / Agricultural.
12 Study of common plants, insects, birds.
13 Study of simple ecosystems – pond, river, hill slopes, etc.

Examination Pattern : The question paper should carry 100 marks

The structure of the question paper being.

PART – A : Short Answer Pattern 25 Marks
PART – B : Essay type with inbuilt choice 50 Marks
PART – C : Field Work 25 Marks


Part – A Question 1 is compulsory and will contain ten short-answer type question of 2.5 marks each covering the entire syllabus.

Part – B Eight essay type questions (with inbuilt choice) will be set from the entire syllabus and the candidates will be required to answer, any four of them. Each essay type question will be of the 12½ marks.

 The examination will be conducted by the college concerned at its own level earlier than the annual examination and each student will be required to score minimum of 35% marks each
in theory and Practical. The marks obtained in this qualifying paper will not be included in determining the percentage of marks obtained for the award of degree. However, these will be
shown in the detailed marks certificate of the student.

Sessional Work:25 Marks
- - 2
Examination: 25 Marks
Total: 50 Marks
Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs.

Note: Students will be required to perform atleast 10 experiments out of the list in a semester.


The experiments in Ist semester will be based mainly upon optics, electrostatics, wave and oscillations which are the parts of the theory syllabus of Ist semester.

1. To find the wavelength of sodium light by Newton's rings experiment.
2. To find the wavelength of sodium light by Fresnel's biprism experiment.
3. To find the wavelength of various colours of white light with the help of a plane transmission diffraction grating.
4. To verify Newtons formula and hence to find the focal lenth of convex lens
5. To find the wavelength of sodium light by Michelson interferometer.
6. To find the resolving power of a telescope.
7. To find the specific rotation of sugar solution by using a polarimeter.
8. To compare the capacitances of two capacitors by De'sauty bridge and hence to find the dielectric constant of a medium.
9. To find the frequency of A.C. mains by using sonometer.
10. To find low resistance by carrey foster Bridge
11. To find the resistance of a galvenometer by Post office Box
12. To Find Value of high Resistance by substitution method
13. To Find the value of high resistance by leakage method
14. To Convert a galvenometer in to an Ammeter of given range.


1. Advanced Practical Physics – B.L. Worshnop and H.T. Flint (KPH)
2. Practical Physics – S.L.Gupta & V.Kumar (Pragati Prakashan).
3. Advanced Practical Physics Vol.I & II – Chauhan & Singh (Pragati Prakashan).


Sessional Work:25 Marks
- - 3
Examination: 25 Marks
Total: 50 Marks
Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs.


1. At least ten experiments/ jobs are to be performed/ prepared by students in the semester.
2. At least 8 experiments/ jobs should be performed / prepared from the above list, remaining two may either be performed/ prepared from the above list or designed & set by the concerned institution as per the scope of the syllabus of Manufacturing Processes and facilities available in the Institute.

List of Experiments / Jobs

1. To study different types of measuring tools used in metrology and determine least counts of vernier calipers, micrometers and vernier height gauges.
2. To study different types of machine tools ( lathe, shape or planer or slotter, milling, drilling machines )
3. To prepare a job on a lathe involving facing, outside turning, taper turning, step turning, radius making and parting-off.
4. To study different types of fitting tools and marking tools used in fitting practice.
5. To prepare lay out on a metal sheet by making and prepare rectangular tray, pipe shaped components e.g. funnel.
6. To prepare joints for welding suitable fo r butt welding and lap welding.
7. To perform pipe welding.
8. To study various types of carpentry tools and prepare simple types of at least two wooden joints.
9. To prepare simple engineering components/ shapes by forging.
10. To prepare mold and core assembly, to put metal in the mold and fettle the casting.
11. To prepare horizontal surface/ vertical surface/ curved surface/ slots or V-grooves on a shaper/ planner.
12. To prepare a job involving side and face milling on a milling machine.

Sessional Work:25 Marks
- - 2
Examination: 25 Marks
Total: 50 Marks
Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs.


1. To verify KCL and KVL.
2. To verify Thevenin.s & Norton's Theorems.
3. To verify Superposition theorems.
4. To study frequency response of a series R-L-C circuit and determine resonant frequency& Q- factor for various Values of R,L,C.
5. To study frequency response of a parallel R-L-C circuit and determine resonant frequency & Q -Factor for various values of R,L,C.
6. To perform direct load test of a transformer and plot efficiency Vs load characteristic.
7. To perform O.C. and S.C. tests on transformer.
8. To perform speed control of DC motor.
9. To perform O.C. and S.C. tests of a three phase induction motor.
10. Measurement of power in a 3 phase system by two watt meter method.


Sessional Work:25 Marks
- - 2
Examination: 25 Marks
Total: 50 Marks
Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs.


1. To study the half wave & full wave rectifier.
2. To study the effect of various filters circuits.
3. To study the characteristics of pnp & npn transistor in common emitter & determine H- parameter from characteristics
4. To study the characteristics of pnp & npn transistor in CB & determine h-parameter from characteristics
5. To determine the Av, Ai of RC coupled CE transistor amplifier
6. Determine the frequency of oscillation in herteley oscillator
7. Determine the frequency of oscillation in phase shift oscillator
8. Determine the effect of negative feedback on bandwidth & gain in CE, RC coupled amplifier
9. Study TC Op-Amp as a inverting amplifier & scale changer
10. Study IC Op-Amp as a non inverting amplifier
11. Study IC Op-Amp as an integrator
12. Study IC Op-Amp as a differentiator



L T P Theory : 100 marks
4 1 Sessional : 50 marks
 Total : 150 marks
 Duration of exam : 3 Hrs.


Matrices & its Applications : Rank of a matrix, elementary transformations, elementary matrices, inverse using elementary transformations, normal form of a matrix, linear dependence and in dependence of vactors, consistency of linear
system of equations, linear and orthogonal transformations, eigen values and eigen vectors, properties of eigen values.


Ordinary Differential Equations & its Applications : Exact differential equations. Equations reducible to exact differential equations. Applications of Differential equations of first order & first degree to simple electric circuits, Newton's law of cooling, heat flow and orthogonal trajectories.

Linear differential equations of second and higher order. Complete solution, complementary function and particular integral, method of variation of parameters to find particular Integral, Cauchy's and Legender's linear equations, simultaneous linear equations with constant co-efficients.


Laplace Transforms and its Applications : Laplace transforms of elementary functions, properties of Laplace transforms, existence conditions, transforms of derivaties, transforms of integrals, multiplication by tn, division by t. Evaluation of integrals by Laplace transforms. Laplace transform of Unit step
function, unit impulse function and periodic function. Inverse transforms, convolution theorem, application to linear differential equations and simultaneous linear differential equations with constant coefficients.


Partial Differential Equations and Its Applications : Formation of partial differential equations, Lagrange.s linear partial differential equation, First order non-linear partial differential equation, Charpit.s method. Method of separation of variables and its applications to wave equation and one dimensional heat equation, two dimensional heat flow, steady state solutions only.


1. Advanced Engg. Mathematics F Kreyszig
2. Higher Engg. Mathematics B.S. Grewal


1. Differential Equations – H.T.H. Piaggio.
2. Elements of Partial Differential Equations – I.N. Sneddon.
3. Advanced Engineering Mathematics – R.K. Jain, S.R.K.Iyengar.
4. Advanced Engg. Mathematics – Michael D. Greenberg.

Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students

are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks.


L T P Theory: 100 marks
3 1 Sessional: 50 marks
 Total: 150 marks
 Time: 3 Hrs.


Elements of crystal structure: Space Lattice, unit cell and translation vectors, Miller indices, simple crystal structure, Bonding in solids, Experimental X-ray diffraction method, Laue method, powder Method, Point defects in solids.

Concepts of SUPER CONDUCTIVITY: Introduction (experimental survey), Meissner effect, London equation.


Free electron theory: Elements of classical free electron theory and its limitations, Drude.s Theory of Conduction, quantum theory of free electrons, Fermi level, Density of states, Fermi-Dirac distribution function, Thermionic emission, Richardson's equation.

Band theory of solids: Origin of energy bands, Kronig, Penney Model (qualitative), E-K diagrams, Brillouin Zones, Concept of effective mass and holes, Classification of solids into metals, Semiconductors and insulators, Fermi energy and its variation with temperature. Hall effect and its Applications.


Quantum mechanics: Difficulties with Classical physics, Introduction to quantum mechanics-simple concepts, discovery of Planck's constant, Group velocity and phase velocity, Schrodinger wave equations - time dependant and time independent Schrodinger equations, Elementary ideas of quantum statistics.


Magnetic properties of solids: Atomic magnetic moments, orbital diamagnetism, Classical theory of paramagnetism, ferro magnetism - molecular fields and domains.

Photoconductivity and Photovoltaics: Photoconductivity in insulating crystals, variation with illumination, effect of traps, applications of photoconductivity, photovoltaic cells and their characteristics.


1. Introduction to Solid State Physics (VII Ed.) - Charles Kittel (John Wiley).
2. Quantum Mechanics – Powell and Crasemann (Oxford & IBH)
3. Fundamentals of Solid State Physics – B.S.Saxena, R.C.Gupta and P.N.Saxena (Pragati Prakashan).


1. Sold State Physics – Pillai (New Age).
2. A text book of Engg. Physics – Avadhanulu and Kshirsagar (S.Chand)
3. Quantum Mechanics – Ghatak & Loknathan.

Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks.

Elements of Instrumentation Engineering

L T P Theory: 100 marks
3 1 Sessional: 50 marks
 Total: 150 marks
 Time: 3 Hrs.


Introduction: Block diagram of measuring instruments, characteristics of instruments, classification of instruments, classification of standards, error in measurement, relative, systematic, random error, parabolic errors.

Basic instruments: Principle, Construction, Features, Analysis & Performance of moving coil instrument (D.Arsonval Galvanometer Vibration galvanometer, flux meter, ratio meter,Meggger), a) Moving iron instruments, b) Electrodynamic instruments, c) electroststic instruments, d) Induction Instruments.


Measurement of energy: Energy meters for Ac circuits, theory of induction type meters, single phase induction type Watt-meters, construction, theory, operation, Two element energy meter, average demand indicator.


Measurement of R,L, and C: Measurement of resistance (low, medium, high).Kalvin's double bridge, bridge controlled circuits, inductance bridge (Mexwell's), Capacitance bridge (Hay's), Wein, Anderson and Schearing bridges.


DC potentiometers, Basic potentiometer circuit, Compton type & multiple range potentiometer, constructional details & precision type potentiometers & their applications, AC potentiometer, Power meter, field strength meter, phase meter, vector impedance meter, Q meter, LCR bridge.

Reference Books:

1. Electronic Instrumentation By H.S.Kalsi, TMH
2. Electronic Instrumentation Techniques By Cooper Halfrick, PHI
3. Electronic Instrumentation & Measurement By A.K.Sawhney, Dhanpat Rai & Sons
4. Electrical Measurement By Baldwin
5. Electronic Instruments and Measurement By Jones & Chin
6. Principles of measurement &Instrumentation by Alan S. Morris
7.Electrical, Electronics measurement & Instrumentation, by JB Gupta

Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks

Manufacturing Processes

L T P Theory : 100 marks
4 1 Sessional : 50 marks
 Total: 150 marks
 Time: 3 Hrs.


Introduction: Introduction to Manufacturing Processes and their Classification. Industrial Safety; Introduction, Types of Accidents, Causes and Common Sources of Accidents, Methods of Safety, First Aid.

Engineering Materials: General Properties and Applications of Engineering Materials, Mild Steel, Medium Carbon Steel, High Carbon Steel, High Speed Steel and Cast Iron.


Foundry: Introduction to Casting Processes, Basic Steps in Casting Process, Pattern, Types of Patterns, Pattern Allowances, Risers, Runners, Gates, Moulding Sand and its composition, Sand Preparation, Molding Methods, Core Sands and Core Making, Core Assembly, Mold Assembly, Melting ( Cupola) and Pouring, Fettling, Casting Defects and Remedies.


Cold Working ( Sheet Metal Work ): Sheet Metal Operations, Measuring, Layout Marking, Shearing, Punching, Blanking, Piercing, Forming, Bending and Joining Advantages and Limitations.

Hot Working Processes: Introduction to Hot Working, Principles of Hot Working Processes, Forging, Rolling, Extrusion, Wire Drawing. Plant Layout, Objectives of Layout, Types of Plant Layout and their Advantages.


Introduction to Machine Tools: Specifications and Uses of commonly used Machine Tools in a Workshop such as Lathe, Shaper, Planer, Milling, Drilling, Slotter, Introduction to Metal Cutting. Nomenclature of a Single Points Cutting Tool and Tool Wear. Mechanics of Chips Formations, Type of Chips , Use of Coolants in machining.

Welding: Introduction to Welding, Classification of Welding Processes, Gas Welding: Oxy-Acetylene Welding, Resistance Welding; Spot and Seam Welding, Arc Welding: Metal Arc, TIG & MIG Welding, Welding Defects and Remedies, Soldering & Brazing.

Text Books :

1. Workshop Technology Vol. I &II - Hazra & Chaudhary, Asian Book Comp., New Delhi.
2. Process and Materials of Manufacture-Lindberg, R.A. Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
3. Principles of Manufacturing Materials and Processes- Campbell, J.S.- McGraw- Hill.

Reference Books:

1. Manufacturing Science-Amitabha Ghosh & Ashok Kumar Malik, - East-West Press.
2. Manufacturing Process and Systems - Ostwald, Munoz , John Wiley.
3. Workshop Technology, Vol. 1, 2 & 3 – Chapman, WAJ, Edward Arnold.

Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. All questions will carry equal marks.

 Fundamentals of Computer & Programming in C

L T P Theory: 100 marks
3 1 Sessional : 50 marks
 Total: 150 marks
 Time: 3 Hrs.


An Overview of Computer System: Machine-, Assembly-, High Level- Language, introduction to Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter, Debuggers, Linker and Loader. Time Machine-, Assembly-, High Level- Language, introduction to Assembler, Compiler, Interpreter, Debuggers, Linker and Loader. Time sharing Real time & batch processing, offline and online processing, programming fundamentals: problem definition, algorithms, flow charts and their symbols, error handling. Operating System Basics: Introduction to PC operating Systems: DOS, Unix/Linux, Windows XP.


C Programming language: C fundamentals, formatted input/ output, expressions, branching and looping statements and their applications; Basic types, arrays, functions, including recursive functions, program organization: local and external variables and scope & arrays.


Pointers: fundamentals of pointers, declaration of pointer, passing pointer to a function, one and one and multidimensional pointers their usage and applications. Strings: strings literals, string variables, I/O of strings, arrays of strings; applications.


Structures, Unions and Enumerations: Structure variables and operations on structures; Structured types, nested array structures; unions; enumeration as integers, tags and types. Standard library: Input / output; streams, file operations, formatted I/O, character I/O, line I/O, block, string I/O, Library support for numbers and character data, error handling:

Text Books:

1. The C Programming Language by Dennis M Ritchie, Brian W. Kernigham, 1988, PHI.
2. C Programming – A modern approach by K.N. King, 1996, WW Norton & Co.
3. Theory and problems of programming with C, Byron C Gotterfried, TMH
4. Teach yourself all about computers by Barry Press and Marcia Press, 2000, IDG Books India.

Note: The Examiners will set eight questions, taking two from each unit. The students are required to attempt five questions in all selecting at least one from each unit. Allquestions will carry equal marks.

 Physics Lab.-II

Sessional Work:25 Marks
- - 2
Examination: 25 Marks
Total: 50 Marks
Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs.

Note: Students will be required to perform at least10 experiments out of the list in
a semester.


The experiments in Second semester will be based upon electricity, Magnetism, Modern Physics and Solid State Physics, which are the parts of theory syllabus.

1. To study semiconductor laser – diffraction using different slits , apartures
2. Tofind the frequency of ultrasonic waves by piezo eletric methods
3. To find the value of e/m for electrons by Helical method.
4. To find the ionisation potential of Argon/Mercury using a thyratron tube.
5. To study the variation of magnetic field with distance and to find the radius of coil by Stewart and Gee's apparatus.
6. To study the characteristics of (Cu-Fe, Cu-Constantan) thermo couple.
7. To find the value of Planck's constant by using a photo electric cell.
8. To find the value of co-efficient of self-inductance by using a Rayleigh bridge.
9. To find the value of Hall Co-efficient of semi-conductor.
10. To study the V-I characteristics of a p-n diode.
11. To find the band gap of intrinsic semi-conductor using four probe method.
12. To calculate the hysteresis loss by tracing a B-H curve.
13. To verify richerdson thermionic equation
14. To find the flashing and quenching potential of Argon and to find the cap. of unknown capacitor
15. To find the temp coeff. of resistance by using Pt resistance therometer by post office box


1. Advanced Practical Physics – B.L. Worshnop and H.T. Flint (KPH)
2. Practical Physics – S.L. Gupta & V. Kumar (Pragati Prakashan).
3. Advanced Practical Physics Vol. I & II – Chauhan & Singh (Pragati Prakashan).

 Physics Lab.-II

Sessional Work:25 Marks
- - 2
Examination: 25 Marks
Total: 50 Marks
Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs.

Note: Students will be required to perform at least10 experiments out of the list in a semester.


The experiments in Second semester will be based upon electricity, Magnetism, Modern Physics and Solid State Physics, which are the parts of theory syllabus.

1. To study He Ne laser
2. To find the frequency of ultrasonic waves by piezoelectric methods
3. To find the value of e/m for electrons by Helical method.
4. To find the ionization potential of Argon/Mercury using a thyratron tube.
5. To study the variation of magnetic field with distance and to find the radius of coil by Stewart and Gee's apparatus.
6. To study the characteristics of (Cu-Fe, Cu-Constantan) thermo couple.
7. To find the value of Planck's constant by using a photo electric cell.
8. To find the value of co-efficient of self-inductance by using a Rayleigh bridge.
9. To find the value of Hall Co-efficient of semi-conductor.
10. To study the V-I characteristics of a p-n diode.
11. To find the band gap of intrinsic semi-conductor using four probe method.
12. To calculate the hysteresis loss by tracing a B-H curve.
13. To verify Richardson thermionic equation
14. To find the flashing and quenching potential of Argon and to find the cap. of unknown capacitor
15. To find the temp coeff. of resistance by using Pt resistance thermometer by post office box


1. Advanced Practical Physics – B.L. Worshnop and H.T. Flint (KPH)
2. Practical Physics – S.L. Gupta & V. Kumar (Pragati Prakashan).
3. Advanced Practical Physics Vol. I & II – Chauhan & Singh (Pragati Prakashan).

 Chemistry Lab.

Sessional Work:25 Marks
- - 2
Examination: 25 Marks
Total: 50 Marks
Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs.

Note: At least ten experiments are to be performed by the students.


1. Determination of Ca++ and Mg++ hardness of water using EDTA solution.
2. Determination of alkalinity of water sample.
3. Determination of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the given water sample.
4. To find the melting & eutectic point for a two component system by using method of cooling curve.
5. Determination of viscosity of lubricant by Red Wood viscometer (No. 1 & No. 2).
6. To determine flash point & fire point of an oil by Pensky -Marten's flash point apparatus.
7. To prepare Phenol-formaldehyde and Urea formaldehyde resin.
8. To find out saponification No. of an oil.
9. Estimation of calcium in lime stone and dolomite.
10. Determination of concentration of KMnO4 solution
11. Determination of strength of HCl solution by titrating it against NaOH solution conductometerically.
12. To determine amount of sodium and potassium in a, given water sample by flame photometer.
13. Estimation of total iron in an iron alloy.


1. A Text Book on Experimental and Calculation – Engineering Chemistry, S.S. Dara, S. Chand & Company (Ltd.)
2. Essential of Experimental Engineering Chemistry, Shashi Chawla, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company.
3. Theory & Practice Applied Chemistry – O.P. Virmani, A.K. Narula (New Age)

Computer Programming Lab.

Sessional Work:25 Marks
- - 2
Examination: 25 Marks
Total: 50 Marks
Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs.

Note: At least 5 to 10 more exercises to be given by the teacher concerned.

Representative programming problems:-

1. Write a program to find the largest of three numbers. (if-then-else)
2. Write a program to find the largest number out of ten numbers (for-statement)
3. Write a program to find the average mail height & average female heights in the class (input is in form of sex code, height).
4. Write a program to find roots of quadratic equation using functions and switchstatements.
5. Write a program using arrays to find the largest and second largest no. out of given 50 nos.
6. Write a program to multiply two matrices
7. Write a program to read a string and write it in reverse order
8. Write a program to concatenate two strings
9. Write a program to sort numbers using the Algorithm.
10. Represent a deck of playing cards using arrays.
11. Write a program to check that the input string is a palindrome or not.

Engg. Graphics and Drawing

L T P Examination : 100 marks
 - 3 Sessional: 50 marks
 Total: 150 marks
 Time: 3 Hrs.


Various types of projections, First and Third angle systems of orthographic projections. Projections of points in different quadrants. Projections of straight lines – parallel to one or both reference planes, contained by one or both planes, perpendicular to one of the planes, inclined to one plane but parallel to the other plane, inclined to both the planes, true length of a line and its inclinations with reference planes, traces of a line.


Projections of Polyhedra Solids and solids of Revolution – in simple positions with axis perpendicular to a plane, with axis parallel to both planes, with axis parallel to one plane and inclined to the other. Development of surface of various simple solids such as cubes, cylinders, prisms, pyramids etc. orthographic views, orthographic drawings of Bolts, Nuts, Bolted joints, screw threads, screwed joints.

Note : Some simple exercises may be attempted with AUTOCAD.

Text Book

1. Engineering Drawing Plane and Solid Geometry : N.D. Bhatt and V.M.Panchal, Forty-Fourth Edition 2002, Charotar Publishing House.

Reference Books

1. Engineering Graphics and Drafting : P.S. Gill, Millennium Edition, S.K. Kataria and Sons.
2. A Text Book of Engineering Drawing : S.B. Mathur, Second Revised and Enlarged Edition 2000, Vikas Publishing House.
3. Engineering Graphics using AUTOCAD 2000: T.Jeyapoovan, First Edition 2002, Vikas Publishing House.



Sessional Work:25 Marks
- - 2
Examination: 25 Marks
Total: 50 Marks
Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs.

Note: Students will be required to perform atleast 10 experiments out of the list in a semester.


The experiments in Ist semester will be based mainly upon optics, electrostatics, wave and oscillations which are the parts of the theory syllabus of Ist semester.

15. To find the wavelength of sodium light by Newton's rings experiment.
16. To find the wavelength of sodium light by Fresnel's biprism experiment.
17. To find the wavelength of various colours of white light with the help of a plane transmission diffraction grating.
18. To verify Newtons formula and hence to find the focal lenth of convex lens
19. To find the wavelength of sodium light by Michelson interferometer.
20. To find the resolving power of a telescope.
21. To find the specific rotation of sugar solution by using a polarimeter.
22. To compare the capacitances of two capacitors by De'sauty bridge and hence to find the dielectric constant of a medium.
23. To find the frequency of A.C. mains by using sonometer.
24. To find low resistance by carrey foster Bridge
25. To find the resistance of a galvenometer by Post office Box
26. To Find Value of high Resistance by substitution method
27. To Find the value of high resistance by leakage method
28. To Convert a galvenometer in to an Ammeter of given range.


1. Advanced Practical Physics – B.L. Worshnop and H.T. Flint (KPH)
2. Practical Physics – S.L.Gupta & V.Kumar (Pragati Prakashan).
3. Advanced Practical Physics Vol.I & II – Chauhan & Singh (Pragati Prakashan).

 Physics Lab.-II

Sessional Work:25 Marks
- - 2
Examination: 25 Marks
Total: 50 Marks
Duration of Exam: 3 Hrs.

Note: Students will be required to perform at least10 experiments out of the list in a semester.


The experiments in Second semester will be based upon electricity, Magnetism, Modern Physics and Solid State Physics, which are the parts of theory syllabus.

16. To study semiconductor laser – diffraction using different slits , apartures
17. Tofind the frequency of ultrasonic waves by piezo eletric methods
18. To find the value of e/m for electrons by Helical method.
19. To find the ionisation potential of Argon/Mercury using a thyratron tube.
20. To study the variation of magnetic field with distance and to find the radius of coil by Stewart and Gee's apparatus.
21. To study the characteristics of (Cu-Fe, Cu-Constantan) thermo couple.
22. To find the value of Planck's constant by using a photo electric cell.
23. To find the value of co-efficient of self-inductance by using a Rayleigh bridge.
24. To find the value of Hall Co-efficient of semi-conductor.
25. To study the V-I characteristics of a p-n diode.
26. To find the band gap of intrinsic semi-conductor using four probe method.
27. To calculate the hysteresis loss by tracing a B-H curve.
28. To verify richerdson thermionic equation
29. To find the flashing and quenching potential of Argon and to find the cap. of unknown capacitor
30. To find the temp coeff. of resistance by using Pt resistance therometer by post office box


1. Advanced Practical Physics – B.L. Worshnop and H.T. Flint (KPH)
2. Practical Physics – S.L. Gupta & V. Kumar (Pragati Prakashan).
3. Advanced Practical Physics Vol. I & II – Chauhan & Singh (Pragati Prakashan).

B.Tech. Instrumentation

2nd Year Course



L T P Sessional: 50
3 1 -- Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Meaning of social change, nature of social change, theories of social change. The direction of social change, the causes of social change, the process of social change. Factors of social change - the technological factors, the cultural factors, the effect of technology on major social institutions, social need of status system, social relations in industry.


Meaning of Industrial Economic, production function and its type; least cost combination, law of variable proportion, law of return increasing, constant and diminishing. Fixed and variable costs in short run and long run, opportunity costs, relation between AC and MC, U shaped short run AC curve. Price and output determination under monopoly in short run and long run. Price discrimination, price determination under discriminating monopoly. Comparison between monopoly and perfect competition.


Meaning of management, characteristics of management, management versus administration, management-art, science and profession, Fayol.s principles of management. Personal management - meaning and functions, manpower – process of manpower planning, recruitment and selection – selection procedure. Training – Objectives and types of training, various methods of training. Labour legislation in India – main provisions of industrial dispute & act 1947.


Marketing management – definition and meaning, scope of marketing management, marketing research – meaning, objectives. Purchasing management – meaning and objectives, purchase procedure, inventory control techniques. Financial management- Introduction, objectives of financial decision,
source of finance.


1. Modern Economics Theory by K.K.Dawett, S.Chand and Co.
2. Economic Analysis by K.P.Sundharam and E.N.Sundharam, Sultan Chand & Sons
3. Micro Economic Theory by M.L.Jhingam, Konark Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
4. Principle of Economics by M.L. Seth, Lakshami Narain Aggarwal Educ. Pub.- Agra
5. An introduction to Sociology by D.R.Sachdeva and Vidya Bhusan,
6. Society- An introductory Analysis by R.N.Maclver Charls H. Page
7. Principle & Practices of Management by R.S.Gupta, B.D.Sharma, N.S.Bhalla, Kalyani Pub.
8. Organization and Management by R.D.Aggarwal TMH
9. Business Organization and Management by N.C.Shukla.


L T P Seasonal:
50 Marks
3 1 -- Exam: 100 Marks
Total: 150 MarksTime:
3 hrs.


Recorders: Strip chart recorders, galvanometric recorders, null type recorders, potentiometric recorders, X-Y recorders, ultraviolet recorders, magnetic tape recorders, FM recorders and their merits and demerits, pulse duration modulation (PDM) recorders & digital tape recorders (RB, RZ, NRZ-M and NRZ-C).


Tachometers: DC tachometers, AC tachometers, Bearing tachometers, magnetic speed sensors, impulse tachometers, stroboscopic tachometers, variable-reluctance tachometers, photoelectric tachometers, eddy current tachometers, hydraulic tachometers, vibration measurement. Accelerometers: Bonded strain gauge accelerometer, Piezoelectric accelerometer, seismic mass accelerometer, servo accelerometer and digital accelerometer.


Accidental and systematic errors, Errors and fractional errors, Estimation of error, Estimation of error in compound quantities. Error in product, Errors in quotient, Use of calculus, Frequency distributions, the mean, relative frequency, the median, frequency curves, measures of dispersion, the range, the mean deviation, standard deviation, evaluation of standard deviation, mean and standard deviations of sums, standard error of sum and difference, standard error of product, standard errors of compound quantities. Method of least squares, weighted mean, sampling standard errors of mean, solution of linear equations, solutions of linear equations involving observed quantities


Binomial distribution, the Poisson distribution, the normal distribution, relation between a normal and a binomial distribution, the mean deviation of a normal distribution, area under normal error curve, fitting of normal curve, the normal and Gaussian law of error, applicability of the normal law of error, normal error distributions, chi square test-definition, conditions for applying chi square test, chi square test as a test of independence, chi square test as a goodness of fit, chi square test as a test of homogeneity, limitations of chi square test, misuse of chi square test.

Reference Books:

1. Electrical Electronic measurement and Instrumentation By A.K.sawhney
2. Process/Industrial Instruments & Controls Handbook IVth Edi., By Douglas M.Considine McGraw Hill.
3. Theory of Errors By J.Topping.


L T P Seasonal:
50 Marks
3 1 2 Exam: 100 Marks
Total: 150Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Topology: Principles of Network Topology, graph matrices, network analysis using graph theory. Transient Response: Transient Response of RC, RLC, TL circuits to various excitation signals such as step, ramp, impulse and sinusoidal excitations using laplace transform.


Network Functions: Terminal pairs or ports, network functions for one-port and two-port networks, pole and zeros of network functions, restrictions on pole and zero locations for driving point functions and transfer functions, time domain behavior from pole-zero plots. Stability criteria of active networks


Characteristics and parameters of two port networks: Relationship of two port variables, short circuit admittance parameters, open circuit impedance, parameters, transmission parameters, hybrid parameters, relationship between parameter sets, interconnection of two port networks, T and . networks, lattice networks, terminated two port networks


Fundamental of filters, filter networks, equation of filter network, classification and characteristic impedance of band low-pass, high-pass, band-pass & band-reject, constant Kpass filters, m – derived. Network synthesis: Herwitz Polynomial, positive real functions, synthesis of one port and two port networks, elementary idea of active networks and frequency response.

Reference Books:

1. Network Analysis A.Sudhakar & S.P.Shyammohan TMH
2. Introduction to Modern Network Synthesis Van Valkenburg, PHI
3. Network Analysis By Van Valkenburg, PHI
4. Network Analysis By G.K.Mithal, Khanna Publication
5. Networks and Systems by D.Roy Choudhury; New Age International


L T P Seasonal:
50 Marks
3 1 3 Exam: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Basic Concept of measurement system and their Basic Characteristics: (Accuracy, Precision, Error, Linearity, Hysteresis, Resolution, Threshold, Span, Repeatability and, Maintainability). Generalized Instrumentation system (mathematical model): Zero and First order system, step and Impulse response of first order system. Transducer and its classifications, basic requirements of a transducer/Sensors. Displacement Transducers: LVDT, RVDT, potentiometric, Variable Reluctance, Variable Capacitive displacement Transducers and Hall Effect Devices.


Strain Gauge Transducers: Basic principle of operation of Resistance strain gauge, type of Electrical strain gauges and their theories (wire gauges, unbounded strain gauges, foil gauges, semiconductor strain gauges and thin film gauges), Materials for strain gauges and strain gauge circuits (potentiometer and Wheatstone Bridge circuits). Force Transducers; load Cell, Hydraulic
Load Cell Torque Transducers: Absorption type, transmission Type, Stress Type, Deflection type.


Pressure transducers: Manometers, Elastic transducers, High Pressure transducers, Mcloed Gauge, Pirani-gauge, Ionization gauge, Knudsen Gauge, pressure smart transmitters.
Temperature Transducers: Resistive transducers (Platinum Resistance Thermometer), Thermistor, Thermoelectric sensors, Solid-state Sensors & Pyrometers.


Flow Transducers: Classification of flow meter, Volume flow Sensors (orifice, Nozzle, Venture, Pitot type) Turbine type, Rotometers, Anemometers, Ultrasonic, Mass flow meters, Positive displacement type flow-meter, Open channel flow measurement, E.M. Flow-meter. Level Transducers: Thermal effect type, Electric methods (Resistive method, Conductance probe method, Inductive level gauging and capacitive method), Ultrasonic method. Acoustics sensors: ceramic microphones, capacitor microphones, electric microphones, magnetic microphone,
Humidity sensors: Hair hygrometer, electrode hygrometer, moisture sensors.

 Reference Books:

1. Principles of Industrial Instrumentation by D.Patranabis, TMH
2. Instrumentation measurement & Analysis by Nakra, Chaudry, TMH
3. Instrumentation Devices & Systems by Rangan Mani Sarma, TMH
4. Instrumentation for Engineers by J.D.Turner


L T P Seasonal:
50 Marks
3 1 -- Exam: 100 Marks
Total: 150Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


The basic operational amplifier, the differential amplifier, the emitter coupled differential amplifier, transfer characteristics of differential amplifier, offset error voltages and currents,
input bias current, input offset current, input offset current drift, input offset voltage, input offset voltage drift, output offset voltage, PSRR, slew rate and universal balancing techniques, measurement of Op-Amp parameters


Op-Amp Circuit Stability, Frequency and Phase Response, Freq. compensating methods, Op-Amp Circuit Bandwidth. Op-Amp applications: Inverter, scale changer, adder, voltage to current converter, current to voltage converter, phase shifter, analog integration and differentiation( brief explanation with circuit diagram), wave form generator (square wave, pulse and triangle wave generator),


Op-Amp Applications II: DC Voltmeter, AC Voltmeter, Linear Ohmmeter Circuit, Instrumentation Amplifier, Precision Half Wave Rectifier, Precision Full Wave Rectifier, limiting Circuits, Clamping Circuits, Peak Detectors, Sample & Hold Circuits, logarithmic Amplifier, Electronic Analog Computation, inverting Schmitt Trigger Circuit, Phase Shift Oscillator, Oscillator Amplitude Stabilization, Wien-Bridge Oscillator.


Regulated Power Supplies: Regulator Action, Regulator Performance, Voltage follower Regulator (Design & performance), Adjustable Voltage Regulator (Design & performance),Stabilization, Output Current limiting (Short circuit Protection) (Fold-back Current limiting), Switching Regulators (Basic Theory), I.C. Regulators (Basic Idea). The 555 I.C. Timer, and its applications, Voltage Time Base Generators, Step (Stair Case) Generators, PLL(Phase Locked Loop).


1. Microelectronics by Millman Grabel, TMH
2. Electronic Principles by Malvino, TMH
3. Integrated Electronics by Millman Halkias, McGraw Hill
4. Op-Amps & Linear Integrated Circuits by R.A.Gayakwad, PHI


L T P Seasonal:
50 Marks
3 1 -- Exam: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Number system and codes, signed binary numbers, Boolean relations, sum of products method, algebraic simplification, k-Maps, pairs, quads and octets, Karnaugh simplifications, Don't care conditions, binary addition, binary subtraction, digital operation of a digital system, OR, AND gates, inverter circuit, the inhibit (enable) operation, XOR circuits, DeMorgan's Laws, NAND & NOR gates. Logic Hardware: DTL, TTL, RTL, ECL, DCTL, HTL, Integrated injection logic, PMOS, NMOS, CMOS Logic and their characteristics, Dynamic MOS circuits,


Binary Adders (Half Adder, Parallel Operation, Full adder, MSI Adders, Serial Operation). Arithmetic functions (True/Complement, Zero/One Element, Binary Subtraction, Digital Comparator, Parity Checker/Generator), Decoder, Encoders, Multiplexurs, Demultiplexures, Flip flops: RS Latches, Switch debouncer, Level clocking (Clocked SR flip flop), D latch, Edge triggered JK Flip Flop, JK Master Slave flip flop, T type Flip Flop.


Shift Registers, Static and dynamic MOS Shift registers, Tristate logic and its uses in computers, synchronous & Asynchronous counters, Binary module counters, Programmable and presettable up/down counters, Applications of Counters.


A/D & D/A converters and their design. Digital storage devices : ROM, RAM, EPROM, EEPROM, PAL & PLA, ULA, MOS ROM, ROM Applications, charged coupled devices, Character Generators. Bus Organized Computers.

Reference Books :

1. Digital Electronics by Gothman, Prentice-Hall
2. Digital Principals & Applications by Malvino & Leach, TMH
3. System Design by Sonde, TMH
4. Digital Computer Electronics by A.P.Malvino, TMH
5. Analog and Digital Electronics by Peter.H.Beards.
6. Integrated Electronics by Millman & Halkias, McGraw Hill

B.Tech Instrumentation 3RD Sem.

PR-2306- Transducer Lab 2006-2007

List of Experiments

1. Study of CRO and different applications of CRO which include measurement of frequency, phase, voltage and its applications as component tester.
2. Study of temperature measurement tutor using RTD along with its characteristic.
3. Study of Water Level measurement using capacitive principal
4. Study of water flow sensor
5. Study of characteristic of Stroboscope along with its application in speed measurement.
6. Study of inductive transducer LVDT.
7. Study of hall effect sensor.
8. Study of phototransisitor, LED, LDR applied sensor.
9. Study of temperature using thermister and thermocouple sensor and study their characteristic. K-type thermo-couple , temp. measurement.
10. Study of temperature using thermister and thermocouple sensor and study their characteristic, semocoductor sensor, temp. measurement.

B.Tech Instrumentation 3RD Sem.

PR-2309 Linear Integrated Circuits 2006-2007

List of Experiments

1. Study of Op-Amp. Parameters
2. Study of Op-Amp applications-I Inverting, non-inverting, summer
3. Study of Op-Amp applications-II, Differentiating, Integrating, and Log-amplifier
4. Study of Op-Amp applications-III, square wave generation
5. Study of Op-Amp applications-IV Astable and Mono stable multivibrator

B.Tech Instrumentation 3RD Sem.

PR-2308 Digital Techniques 2006-2007

List of Experiments

1. Study of Gates using diode logic only
2. Study of gates using transistor logic only study its transfer characteristics
3. Study of NAND gate using DTL
4. Determination of fan out using DTL NAND gate
5. Study of NAND gate using TTL
6. Study of all types of flip-flops on digital trainer
7. Study of all types of registers on digital trainer
8. Study of all types of counters on digital trainer
9. Study of 555-timer and its applications as astable multivibrator.

B.Tech Instrumentation 3RD Sem.

PR-2308 Network Lab. 2006-2007

1. To find the frequency response of low-pass RS-filter & half power frequency
2. To find the frequency response of high-pass RC filter & half power frequ8ency
3. To find the y-parameter using two-port network
4. to find ABCD parameters using two-port network
5. To find h-parameters using two-port network
6. Find ABCD parameters using two-port network of . network
7. To find the Z-parameter using the two-port network
8. to study the response of RC circuit (i.e., transient response)
9. To study the Y-parameters in parallel connection
10. Any other two more experiments to be added.

B.Tech Instrumentation 3RD Sem.

PR-2306- Transducer Lab 2006-2007

List of Experiments

1. Study of CRO and different applications of CRO which include measurement of frequency, phase, voltage and its applications as component tester.
2. Study of Water Level measurement using capacitive principal
3. Study of water flow sensor
4. Study of characteristic of Stroboscope along with its application in speed measurement.
5. Study of inductive transducer LVDT.
6. Study of phototransisitor, LED, LDR applied sensor.
7. Study of optocoupler
8. Study of temperature using thermister and thermocouple sensor and study their characteristic. K-type thermo-couple , temp. measurement.
9. Study of temperature using thermister and thermocouple sensor and study their characteristic, semocoductor sensor, temp. measurement.

SEMESTER – IV w.e.f January 2006

IN- 2401

L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
3 1 -- Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Bessel functions: series solution of Bessel differential equation, Bessel function of first kind Jn(x), generating function for Jn(x), recurrence relations.

Legendre Polynomials: Legendre differential equation, Legedre polynomials Pn(x) as solution of legedre differential equation for (n>0), generating function for Pn(x), recurrence relations, Orthoganality of Pn(x).


Fourier Series: Euler.s formulae, conditions for Fourier expansions, Fourier expansion of functions having points of discontinuity, change of interval, odd & even functions, half range series. Fourier Transforms: Fourier Integrals, Fourier transforms, Fourier cosine and sine transforms, Properties of Fourier Transforms, convolution theorem, Parseval.s identity, relation between Fourier and Laplace transforms


Function of a complex variables: Cauchy-Riemann equations, necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to be analytic, harmonic functions, Taylor and Laurent series, singular points, residues, evaluation of residues at poles, and poles of mth order, Cauchy.s residue theorem, the cauchy.s principle value, evaluation of definite integrals.


Probability Distributions: Probability, Baye theorem, Discrete & Continuous probability distributions, discrete random variable, probability function, distribution function, Mathematical expectation, expectation of a sum of random variables, expectation of product of independent variables, covariance, Moment generating function, probability generating function, univariate and continuous probability distributions.


1. Complex variables and Applications by R.V.Churchil; McGraw Hill
2. Engineering Mathematics Vol-II by S.S.Sastry; PHI
3. Operation Research by H.A.Taha;
4. Probability and Statistics for Engineers by Johnson ; PHI
5. Higher Engineering Mathematics by B.S.Grewal
6. Advance Engineering Mathematics by E. Kreyzig


L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
3 1 3 Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Introduction to power devices: Constructional detail with characteristic of power diode, power transistor, MOSFET, UJT, DIAC, TRAIC, GTO, IGBT, MCT, constructional features & characteristics of thyristors.


Triggering & switching: Various triggering devices used for thyristor, integral cycle triggering, various switching modes, zero voltage switch, time delay circuit, soft start circuit of thyristor , static circuit breaker.

Thyristor Analogy: Two transistor analogy, series and parallel operation of thyristors.

Protection: Protection of SCR against over current, over voltage, high dv/dt, and high di/dt, thermal protection methods of commutation.


Classification of Rectifiers, Phase Controlled Rectifiers: Single phase half wave controlled, Fully wave and half controlled rectifiers with Resistive, Inductive and e.m.f. loading and their
performance parameters. Three phase half wave, full wave and half controlled rectifiers with resistive and inductive and emf loading and their performance.


Effect of source Impedance: Effect on performance of single phase and three phase controlled rectifiers, single phase and three phase dual converter

Cycloconverter: Introduction & principle of working cycloconverter; types of cycloconverter; enveloped type & phase controlled type , features of cycloconverter; voltage wave form, circulating mode of operation, circulating current free modes, cycloconverter under discontinuous conduction, effect of source inductance on the performance of cycloconverter, network reaction, Advantages and disadvantages of cycloconverter .


1. Modern Power Devices by B.Jayant Balica, New Age Inter.
2. Power Electronics by P.C. Sen (TMH)
3. An Introduction to Thyristors and Their Applications by M. Ramamurthy (EWP)
4. Power electronics by Ned Mohan and Robins, John Wiley and Sons
5. Power Electronics by M. Rashid (PHI)
6. Thyristor Phase Controlled converters and Cyclo-converters by B.R.Pelly
7. Power Electronics by Vendem Subrahmanyam, New Age International

IN 2403

Sessional:50 Marks
3 1 3 Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Introduction to Microprocessors, Microcomputer systems, Computer languages. Microprocessor Architecture, Microprocessor operation with memory and input / output devices. 8085 based microprocessor systems.


Instructions: Basic Instructions, Format, classification, Status flags, Writing Assembly Language Programs. Additional Instructions and Programming techniques: Logic Operators,
Data transfer and 16 bit Arithmetic Instructions.


Looping, counting, Indexing. Stack, Subroutines, conditional call and Return. Code Conversions: BCD to binary, Binary to BCD. BCD Arithmetic.s and data operations: BCD Addition and subtraction, Introduction to advanced Instructions and applications, Multiplication. Timing diagrams, machine cycle.


Basic interfacing concepts, interfacing displays, Keyboards-memory etc., Memory mapped I/O. Basic of programmable I/O devices. Restart as software interrupt. Interrupts and interrupts structure of 8085. Basic concepts in serial I/O's, Software controlled asynchronous Serial I/O's. Parallel I/O's & interfacing applications, Programmable Peripheral Interface (PPI), Direct Memory Access(DMA) and DMA controller(8257). Keyboard & display interface (8279).

Reference Books:

1. Microprocessor Architecture Programming and Applications by Gaonkar, Penram International
2. Microprocessors and its Applications by Theagrajan. PHI
3. Intel Data books.


Sessional:50 Marks
3 1 3 Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Control System: Open loop & closed loop operation, Introduction to control system components, Representation of control components: Mechanical, Electrical, hydraulic and pneumatic. Transfer function of control system, Mathematical Modeling of Dynamic system: Mechanical, Electrical, Analogous system, Electromechanical system, hydraulic and pneumatic transfer function by block diagram, reduction technique, signal flow graphs techniques, Meson's gain formula for signal flow graph.


Basic control action & Industrial automatic controller: On/Off or two position, proportional, integral, proportional-Integral, proportional-derivative and proportional-integral-derivative control action. Pneumatic controller, comparison between pneumatic and hydraulic systems, Pneumatic amplifiers, pneumatic proportional controller, pneumatic derivative and integral control action, PID controller, PI controller action. Hydraulic controller: Advantage and disadvantage of Hydraulic controllers, Hydraulic integral controller, proportional controller, Hydraulic PI controller, hydraulic PD controller.


Electronic controller: On/Off or two position, proportional, integral, proportional-integral, proportional-derivative and proportional-integral-derivative, design and consideration. Programmable controller, characteristic function of PLC, block diagram of PLC, ladder diagram, ladder diagram elements, development of simple ladder diagram & applications.


Control valve: Type and characteristics, control valve sizing, selection criteria concept. Calculation of control valve size, positioner, necessity type & effects on performance of control valve. Pneumatic control valve characteristics, Actuators: electrical actuators, pneumatic actuators, Hydraulic, Electro-hydraulic, Electro-pneumatic. Auxiliary process components: Hydraulic pumps & power supply, Hydraulic servomotor, Hydraulic integrator, Amplidyne, Magnetic Amplifier,.

Reference Books :

1. Process Control and Instrument Technology by C.D.Jhonson.
2. Instrumentation for Process Measurement and Control By N.A.Anderson
3. Automatic Control Engineering by Raven
4. Automatic Control System by C.Kuo
5. Modern Control Engineering by Katsuhiko & Ogata
6 Control System by Nagrath & Gopal


Sessional:50 Marks
3 1 -- Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


MAGNETIC CIRCUITS AND INDUCTION: Magnetic Circuits, Magnetic Materials and their properties, static and dynamic e.m.f.s and force on current carrying conductor, AC operation of Magnetic Circuits, Hysteresis and Eddy current losses, frictional & copper losses. TRANSFORMERS: Basic theory, construction, operation at no-load, equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, O.C. and S.C. tests for parameters determination, efficiency and regulation, auto-transformer, introduction to three phase transformer; Scott connection, parallel operation of transformer.


PRINCIPLES OF ELECTROMECHANICAL ENERGY CONVERSIONS: Force and torque in magnetic field system, energy balance, energy and force in singly excited magnetic field system, concept of co-energy, forces and torques is system with permanent magnets, dynamic equation. DC MACHINES: Basic theory of DC generator, brief idea of construction, emf equation, load characteristics, basic theory of DC motor, concept of back emf, torque and power equations, load characteristics, starting and speed control of DC motors, Types of DC generator & motors, Armature reaction, commutation characteristics of DC machines.


Induction Motors: Three phase motors, principle of operation, slip-torque equation, torque-slip characteristic, relation between slip and rotor copper loss, equivalent circuit, different types of starters applications. Single phase induction motors, principle of working, types, applications, Special Purpose Machines: Principle, working, applications of stepper motor, servo motors and universal motors.


Alternators: Constructional features, synchronous speed, e.m.f. equation, winding factor, regulation by synchronous impedance method. Motors - concept of rotating magnetic field, principle of working, effect of variation of load, Vee curves.

Reference Books :

1. Electrical Machines by Nagrath and Kothari, TMH
2. Electrical Machines by Mukharjee and Chakravarti; Dhanpat Rai & Sons
3. Electrical Machines, Vol I & II by B.L.Thareja; Dhanpat Rai & Sons
4. Electrical Motor & Power Electronics by P.C.Sen; J.Wiley.

Computer Organization

L T P Theory : 100 Marks
3 1 2 Sessional: 50 Marks
 Total : 150 Marks
 Time : 3 hours


Representation of Information: Number systems, Integer and floating point representation, Character codes- ASCII and BCDIC. Register transfer and micro operations: Register Transfer Language, Bus and Memory. Transfers, Arithmetic, Logic, Micro-operations, Shift Micro-operations. Basic computer organization and Design: Instruction and instruction codes, computer instructions, timing an control, Instruction cycle, memory, Reference Instructions, Input-Output and Interrupts; Complete Computer Description.


Programming the Basic Computer: Machine Language, The assembler, program loops, programming Arithmetic and logic, Subroutines, Inputs-Outputs programming. Micro-programmed control: Control memory, Address sequencing, micro-programme example, design of control unit.


General register organization, stack organization, Instruction formats, Addressing modes, Data and transfer manipulation, Program control, Reduced Instruction set computer. Pipeline and Vector processing, parallel processing, Pipeline, Arithmetic pipeline, RISC pipeline, Vector processing, Arrays processors. Computer arithmetic: Addition and subtraction, Multiplication algorithms, Division algorithm, Floating point arithmetic operations, decimal arithmetic unit, decimal arithmetic operations.


Input-Output Organization: Peripheral devices, Input-Output interface, Asynchronous Data Transfer, Modes of transfer, priority interrupt, Direct Memory Access (DMA). Input-output
processor (IOP), serial communication multi processors, characteristics of multi processors, Inter-connection structures, Inter-processor Arbitration, Inter-processor Communication and Synchronization, Cache Coherence.


1. Computer system Architecture by M..M. Mano, (PHI)
2. Computer Architecture and Organization by J.P. hayes(TMH)
3. Computer Architecture and Organization by William Stallings
4. Computer Architecture and Organization by C.W. Gear (PHI)
5. Essentials of Computer and Network Technology by Nasib S. Gill (Khanna Book Publ.

Lab Course

PR2407 – Control System Lab. - I

List of experiments

1. H-simulator
2. Pneumatic simulator
3. EH-simulator
4. E-pneumatic simulator
5. Potentiometric error detector

PR2408- Power Electronic Lab. – I

List of experiments

1. To study the characteristics of SCR.
2. To study the characteristics of TRIAC.
3. To Study the characteristics of UJT
4. To study the characteristics of FET- FET amplifier, to evaluate rd and idss
5. To vary A.C/D.C motor speed with the help of SCR
6. DC-DC chopper power circuit
7. Study of SCR Triggering circuit
8. SCR control and reactive load
9. Study of Lamp flasher using SCR
10. To study IGBT characteristics
11. To Study MOSFET characteristics
12. To study the characteristics of SCR bridge rectifier.

PR2409 - Microprocessor Lab. - I

List of experiments

All Experiments that include Microprocessor 8085 Kits

PR2410 – Simulation Lab. – I

List of experiments

Electronic workbench – simulation circuits
I) Experiments include circuit verification of
1. Basic electronics
2. Linear circuits
3. Digital circuits

II) Realization of above circuits on Elvis

3rd Year Course


** 4-6 weeks hand on training to be done after IVth Sem. Exams.


Power Electronics-II
L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
3 1 2 Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Choppers: Principle of choppers, Control strategies; Constant frequency system and Variable frequency system. Step-up choppers, Types of chopper Circuits; First Quadrant or Type-A
choppers, Second-Quadrant or Type-b choppers, Two-Quadrant Type-a Chopper or Type-C chopper, Two-Quadrant Type-b Chopper or Type-D chopper, Four-Quadrant Type-a Chopper or Type-E chopper, Thyristor Chopper Circuits; Voltage commutated choppers, Current-commutated choppers and Load commutated choppers.


Inverters: operating Principle of Single Phase Voltage source inverter; Single –Phase bridge inverter, steady state analysis of Single–Phase bridge inverter, Fourier analysis of Single–Phaseinverter Output voltage, Force-commutated thyristor inverter; Modified Mcmurray Half-bridge Inverter, Modified Mcmurray Full-bridge Inverter, Modified Mcmurray-Bedford Half-bridge Inverter, Modified Mcmurray-Bedford Full-bridge Inverter, Three Phase Bridge Inverter; Three –Phase 1800 Mode VSI and Three –Phase 1200 Mode VSI.


Modulation and Harmonics; Pulse Width Modulated Inverter; Single-Phase Modulation, Multiple Phase Modulation, Sinusoidal Pulse Modulation (Sin M), Reduction Of Harmonics in the inverter output Voltage; Harmonics Reduction by PWM, Harmonics Reduction by Transformer connection, Harmonics Reduction by Stepped wave Inverter, Current Source inverter; Single phase with ideal switching, Basic Series Inverter, Basic Parallel Inverter(Single Phase).


Electric Drives and Applications: Chopper Drives; Power Control or Motoring Control, Regenerative-Breaking control, Two Quadrant chopper control and Four Quadrant Chopper control, Speed Control of three Phase Induction Motor; Stator Voltage control, Stator Frequency control, Stator Voltage and Frequency control, Stator Current control, Static Kramer Drives, Static Scherbius Drive. (No quantitative analysis)

Text Books;

1. Vendam Subramanium, „Power Electronics. New Age Publishers-New Delhi
2. P.C.Sen, .Power Electronics. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd-New Delhi
3. Mohan/Underland/Robbins, „Power Electronics.JohnWiley & Sons Pvt ltd-
4. Ramamurthy,.Thyristor and Its Applications.
5. Rashid „Power Electronics.
6. Gupta/Singh „Power Electronics and Introduction to Drives.Dhanpat Rai Publ.Co
7. P.S.Bhimbhra .Power Electronics. Khanna Publishers.

IN 3502

L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
3 1 -- Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Basic Components of a Spectrophotometer, different types of excitation sources, single and double monochromator components and mounting; materials for lens, prism, sample holder, filters etc for various wavelengths, optical sensors for different wavelength ranges. UV-VIS Spectrophotometers (Optical & Electronic Instrumentation) double wavelength spectrophotometer.


Fluorescence & Phosphorescence Spectrometry ( Basic principle, optical & electronic Instrumentation) Atomic Absorption & Emission Spectroscopy (Sample preparation, photometer instrumentation). Laser Raman Spectrometer Instrumentation & application.


Basic consideration, Instrumentation, Qualitative & Quantitative elemental data analysis, limitations and applications of i) X-Ray Fluorescence, ii) Neutron activation, iii) Auger Electron and iv) ESCA techniques.


Basic principle of NMR phenomenon, NMR spectrometer Instrumentation and application Electron spin resonance (ESR) Spectroscopy basic principle, spectrometer instrumentation and applications. Basic principle of chromatography - Gas & Liquid column chromatograph instrumentation and applications; water pollution monitoring instrumentation.

Reference Books:

 1. Instrumental Methods Of Analysis By Williard, Merrit, Dean
 2. Handbook Of Analytical Instrumentation By R.S. Khandpur
 3. Instrumental Methods For Chemical Analysis By E.W.Ewing
4. Introduction To Instrumental Analysis By Robert D. Braun
5. Essentials of Instrumental analysis by Skoog, Holler & Nieman, Thomson Publ.


L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
4 1 3 Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks

Time: 3 hrs.


ADVANCE PROCESSOR: Architecture and register details of 8086, operation, addressing modes and instruction set of
microprocessor 8086.


Serial Communication interface chip (e.g.8251), Programmable interrupt controller(e.g.8259), Programmable interval timer(e.g.8253)

Assembly language programming for the processor 8086 (eg. Movement of block, Wave-form generation, Arithmetic and logical operations, Sorting, Use of Software interrupts etc.)


Data Acquisition System: Generalized DAS, DAS configuration, Resolution and Accuracy, Number of channels and the sampling rate. Single channel DAS and Multi-channel DAS(Development of an 8-channel DAS)


Generalized Microprocessor-based control systems, Identification by least-square method, Self tuning controller, optimal state-feedback controller, Distributed computer control systems, Temperature control system and flow control system, Traffic control system. Software for a multi-loop process controller,


1. Microprocessor system: The 8086/8088 family IInd ed. By Yu.Cheng & Gibson
2. Microprocessor with Applications in Process control by S.I.Ahson
3. Microprocessors and interfacing by D.V.Hall
4. Microprocessors and its Applications by Theagrajan
5. Microprocessors Architecture, Programming & Applications by R.S.Gaonkar.


L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
4 3 1 Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Signal Analysis: Introduction, Classification of signals, Singularity or elementary functions, representation of signals, Convolution, properties of signal systems, Fourier series and applications in LTI system, trigonometric Fourier series, Fourier transform; its properties and applications in LTI system


Noise: classification of noise, voltage-current models of a noisy resistor, noise in reactive circuits, Signal to noise ratio, Noise figure, noise temperature

Amplitude Modulation: amplitude modulation, spectrum and modulation index of AM, over modulation, power content in AM, Generation of AM, Double side band suppressed carrier modulation, Single side band modulation, AM demodulation, vestigial side band modulation systems, frequency division multiplexing.


Frequency Modulation: angle modulation, phase and frequency modulation, FM Spectrum, effect of variation of MI on spectrum of FM, Narrow band and wide band frequency modulation, FM generation using parametric variation and Armstrong method, FM demodulation, noise in FM Systems


Transmitter: Classification of radio transmitters, block diagram of AM Transmitter, carrier frequency requirements of radio transmitter, privacy systems,FM transmitters

Receivers: Classification of receivers, TRF receivers, superhetrodyne receivers, frequency mixers, IF Amplifiers, Tracking and alignment of receivers, Automatic gain control and automatic frequency control.

Reference Books:

1. Principles of Communication systems, Mc Graw Hill, By Taub and Schilling.
2. Electronic Communication system, PHI, By G Kennedy.
3. Electronic communications, PHI, By Roddy and Coolen.


L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
4 1 3 Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


TIME DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Standard test signal (step, ramp, impulse, parabolic) time response of various types (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.) of system. Steady state error analysis, effect of adding zero to a system. Design consideration of 2nd order system, design of higher order system, performance indices


STABILITY OF A CONTROL SYSTEM : Concept of stability, necessary conditions of stability, Hurwitz Stability criterion, Routh stability criterion, relative stability analysis, more on the Routh stability criterion, The Root locus technique: The root locus concept construction of root loci, root contours, system with transportation Lag, sensitivity of the roots of the characteristic equation.


FREQUENCY DOMAIN ANALYSIS: Correlation between time and frequency response, polar plots, bode plots, all- pass and minimum- phase system experimental determination of transfer functions, log magnitude versus phase plots. Stability in frequency domain: mathematical preliminaries, Nyquist stability criterion, assessment of relative stability using Nyquist criterion, closed-loop frequency response, sensitivity analysis in frequency domain.


STATE VARIABLE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN: Concept of state, state variables and state models, state models for linear continuous time system, diagonization, solution of state equations, concept of controllability and observablity, pole placement by state feedback, state variables and linear desecrate-time systems.

Reference Books:

 1. Automatic Control System By Kuo
 2. Feedback Control System By D'Azzo and Houpis
 3. Modern Control Engineering By Oagata
 4. Control Systems Engineering By Nagrath & Gopal.

B.Tech Instrumentation 5TH Sem.

PR-3506 Advanced Microprocessor Lab. 2006-2007

List of Experiments

8086 – Familiarization

1. Arithmetic operations
2. Logical Operations

8086 - Applications

1. Wave form generation(s)
2. IC tester
3. Stepper Motor
4. Key board interface
5. Traffic light controller

JAVA Simulator – simulation experiments

PR-3507 Soft Computing Lab. 2006-2007

List of Experiments

I Lab View Basics
1. Introduction to Lab View
2. Modular Programming
3. Repetition and loops
4. Arrays
5. Plotting data
6. Making decision in a VI
7. Strings and File I/O –operations

II Mat Lab Introduction

Mathematical Operations – Problem Solving using MatLab

PR-3508 Power Electronics -II. 2006-2007

List of Experiments : (Sh. Avnesh Varma )

1 to 14, out of fourteen, students have to perform 10 experiments

1. To study the turn on method of SCR
2. To study the outout respose of SCR at Reactive load
3. To study the Phase lock loop
4. To observe the phase shift through SCR
5. To study the thyrister time delay
6. To study thyrister alarm circuit
7. To study the speed control of universal motor.

PR-3509 Control system Components 2006-2007

List of Experiments :

1. Speed control of DC motor or DC control card
2. DC position control system or servo motor control
3. Potentiometric error detector
4. PID controller
5. Relay control system
6. Stepper motor controller
7. Compensation design
8. Linear system simulator
9. Digital control system DCS
10. Elevator controller
11. Temperature controller using 8085.


Communication systems

L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
3 1 3 Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Pulse Modulation: Sampling Theorem ,natural sampling, flat top sampling, quantization process , Pulse amplitude modulation ,TDM,PWM, PCM, DPCM,DM,ADM


Digital modulation Techniques: Digital modulation formats, types of digital modulation : ASK, BPSK, BFSK, DPSK,QPSK and Minimum Shift Keying


Information theory: Introduction, Information rate, source coding theorem, Huffman coding, discrete memory less channel, mutual information channel capacity, channel coding theorem, channel capacity theorem shanon.s theorem and shanon-hartley theorem.


Coding theory: Introduction, Linear block codes ,cyclic codes convolution codes, decoding of convolution codes, distance properties of convolution codes.

Data Networks: Communication Networks, Circuit Switching, Store and forward switching, layered architecture, packet networks , multiple access communication.

Reference Books:

1. Principles of communication systems, Pub.-McGraw Hill, by Taub And Schilling
2. Digital communication, Pub.- John Willy and sons, by Simon Hykin.
3. Communication Systems – B P Lathi
4. Communication Switching Systems and Networks, Pub.-PHI, by ThiagrajanVishwanathan.

IN- - 3602

L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
3 1 3 Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


INTRODUCTION : Introduction to Fuzzy control, Fuzzy logic controller components, Construction of Fuzzy sets, Fuzzy logic controller and its applications. Fuzzy control from an industrial perspective, knowledge- based controller, knowledge representation in KBC.s


Introduction to Fuzzy sets, Crisp sets, Basic concepts of Fuzzy sets, L-fuzzy sets, level 2-fuzzy sets, type 2-fuzzy sets. Fuzzy sets Vs. Crisp sets. Fuzzy Arithmetic, Algebraic operations, set-theoretic operations, fuzzy relation on sets & fuzzy set compositions of Fuzzy relations, properties of the minimum-maximum composition.


FKBC DESIGN PARAMETERS: The FKBC architecture, choice of variables and contents of rules, Derivation of rules, Choice of membership functions, choice of scaling factors, Choice of fuzzification procedure, Choice of defuzzification procedure, comparison and evaluation of defuzzification methods.


ADAPTIVE FUZZY CONTROL: Design and performance evaluation, Approaches to Design such as membership function tuning using gradient descent, Membership function tuning using performance criteria, the self organizing controller, Model based controller.


1. Fuzzy control system by Abraham Kandel and Gideon Imngholz, Narosa.
2. Fuzzy logic control system by T.Ross
3. Fuzzy Control system by D. Drainkov & M. Reienfrank.
4. Klir George J. “ Fuzzy sets and Fuzzy Logic Theory and Applications”, PHI


L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
3 1 3 Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Z-TRANSFORM & ANALYSIS: The Z-transform, properties of Z-transform, inverse of Z-transform, region of convergence and properties, analysis of LTI system in Z-Domain, transient response, steady-state response, causality and stability, Schur-Cohan stability test, Jury test, Schur-Cohan-Fuzzivera stability criterion.


Discrete and Fast Fourier Transform(DFT & FFT): DFT and its properties, IDFT, interrelation between DFT and Z-transform, linear filtering using DFT , linear and circularconvolution. FFT: FFT decimation-in-time (DIT) algorithm, FFT decimation-in-frequency(DIF) algorithm. Effect of finite Word length in Digital filter: Coefficient Quantization, product quantization . Finite Register length effect in Cascaded IIR realization. IIR Coefficient Quantization error, FIR digital filter finite word length effects. Scaling formulation for cascaded 2nd section


Reliasation of Digital Filters: FIR Filter; Direct form, cascade form, frequency selective and lattice structure .IIR Filter; Direct form, cascade form ,parallel and lattice structure. State space structure. Realization of digital linear systems: IIR direct form filter realizations, IIR cascade and parallel filter realizations, FIR filter realization and Ladder realization. Comparison between FIR and IIR filter.


Digital filter Design: Advantages and disadvantages of digital filters IIR filter design: FIR digital filter design: Characteristics and properties of FIR digital filter, FIR digital filter design using Fourier series method, Use of window functions method, frequency sampling method. Design of IIR filter from analog filter approximations (Butterworth, Chebyshev and Elliptical filters), Invariant-Impulse-response method, Matched Z- transformation method, Bilinear - transformation method,

Reference Books:

1. Digital Filter Analysis & Design by Andreas Antoniou
2. Digital Signal Processing by David J. Defalta & Joseph G. Lucas
3. Digital Signal Processing by Sanjit K Mitra .
4. Digital Signal Processing by Proakis, Masnolakis
5. Digital Signal Processing by Farooq Hussain
6. Digital Signal Processing by Nair

7. Digital Signal Processing by Ifecher


L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
3 1 -- Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Introduction - overview of system engineering, system perspective, documentation, concept development, requirements, design development, rapid pro totyping and field testing, validation, verification and integration, maintenance and life-cycle costs, failure, iteration and judgment.

Packaging and Enclosures: Packaging influence, packaging design, wiring, temperature, vibration and shock, component packaging, mechanical issues, case studies of a New Chassis and Housing Design Concept for Electronic Equipment, and Robot.


Grounding and Shielding: Safety, Noise, principle of energy coupling, Grounding, filtering, shielding, electrostatic discharge and it protection, general rules for design; Case study-EMC design of an oscilloscope.


Circuit Design: Fundamentals of circuit design, high speed design, low power design, noise and error limitation, standard data buses and networks, reset and power failure detection, input/output interfaces.


Circuit layout and Power: Circuit boards, component placement, routing of signals and traces, grounds, returns and shields, connectors and cables, design for manufacture, testing and maintenance; Power: Power requirements, sources of power, power conversion, definitions and specifications, power distribution and conditioning, electromagnetic interfaces.

Reference Books:

1. Noise reduction techniques in electronic systems, 2nd ed. New York: Wiley By H.W.Ott
2. Electronic Instrument Design, Oxford Univ. Press, By Him R. Fowler
3. Intuitive Operational Amplifiers, MeGraw-Hill, By T.M.Frederiksen
4. Printed Circuit Boards, CEDT Series TMH By Walter C. Bosshart


L T P Sessional: 50
3 1 0 Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Introduction to Embedded Systems: Definitions and Classification, Overview of Embedded Systems, Embedded Software, Embedded System on Chip (SoC), Use of VLSI Designed Circuits; Processor and Memory Organization: Structural Units in Processor, Memory Devices, Processor and Memory Selection, Memory Map and Applications, Memory Blocks for Different Structures.


Devices and Buses for Devices Networks: I/O Devices I/O Types and Examples, Parallel Port and Serial Port Devices and Communication Buses; Device Drivers, Device Servicing by Interrupt and Service Routines Linux Internals as Device Drivers and Network Functions, Writing Physical Device Deriving ISRs in a System and Some Examples, Context Switching, Deadline, Latency Priorities Programming in Assembly Language (ALP) Vs High Level Language, Basic C Program Elements, Concept of Embedded Programming in C++, Embedded Programming in C++, C program compiler, Cross Compiler.


Microcontrollers:- Introduction; comparison of microprocessors & microcontrollers; A survey of microcontrollers, 8051 microcontroller hardware: Input/Output Pins; Ports and Circuits; External memory; counter & timers; serial data input/output; & Interrupts.
Introduction to instructions of 8051: For moving data, logical operations, arithmetic operations and jump & call.


8051 programming with examples of study of input/output ports of 8051, use of 8051 in closed loop system, study of Internal/External Interrupts of 8051, study of Internal counter using Internal/External clock of 8051. Interfacing: Interfacing with display, memory, keyboard, AD/DA, generation of PWM output for proportional control using timer & counter and serial data communication.


1. The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture Programming & Application by Kenneth J. Ayala, Penram Inter.
2. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems- Muhammad Ali Mazidi; Pearson Education India
3. Microcontroller Architecture, Programming, Interfacing and System Design by Raj Kamal, Pearson Education India
4. Programming and Customizing the 8051 Microcontroller by Fredko Mike, TMH
5. Embedded Systems Architecture, Programming, and Design by Raj Kamal, TMH

Lab Course

Teacher In-Charge

PR3606 - Microcontroller and Computer Techniques Lab. Pardeep Kumar

Micro-controller simulation

Proteus System I

PR3607 - Signal Processing and Opto-electronic Inst. Lab. Surender Singh & Jai Pal

I) Simulation experiments on DSP Kits
II) Matlab based problem solutions + Soft. Techniques

Perform the Experiments using MATLAB :-

1. To develop a program for computing Z- transform in factored form, Plot its poles and zeros , and then determine its ROCs.
2. To develop a program for computing Inverse Z-transform of a rational transfer function.
3. To develop a program for linear convolution and circular convolution .
4. To develop a Program for computing discrete fourier transform .
5. To develop a Program for computing the convolution by overlap-add method and overlap save-method.
6. To develop Program for realization of IIR Digital filters ( Direct, Cascade, Parallel).
7. To develop a program for sampling theorem .
8. To design FIR filters using windows technique.
9. To design analog filter (Low pass, High pass).
10. To design analog filter (Band pass, Band stop)
11. To design IIR filters using (Impulse Invariant method ).
12. To design IIR filters using (bilinear transformation).

PR3608 - Communication Engg. Lab.

Experiments using all Falcon Kits available in the lab.

PR3609 - Project Work

B.Tech. Instrumentation Scheme of Examination 4th Year Course




L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
3 1 4 Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hours.


Introduction : History, the turning test, overview of AI application are as problem & problem spaces, problems characteristics.


Knowledge Representation Logic : Proportional & first order prediction logic, inference rules, resolution limitation of logic. Production system: Definition & history, examples of search in production system, advantages.


Search: Informal and informal, algorithms of depth 1st, breadth 1st, hill climbing, beat 1st, search and bound; game playing - minimax search, alpha and beta pruning. forward and backward reasoning.


Expert system : Introduction & examples, architecture(rule board system), development, knowledge engineering process, limitations. Programming in PROLOG.

Reference Books:

1. Artificial Intelligence by George F.luger & William A.
2. Stubblefeild, The Benjamin/Cummings Pub. Comp., Inc.
3. Principle of A.I by Nils J. Nilsson, Narosa.
4. A.I By Elaine Tich & Kevin Knoght, TMH
5. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Expert systems by Dass W. Patterson, PHI
6. A.I: an engineering approach by Robert J. Schlkoff, McGraw Hill.

IN - 4702

L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
4 1 -- Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hours.


Introduction;Bio-electric potential and electrode: Instrumentation system, Living Instrumentation system, Bio-metric, the anatomy of nervous system, origin of bio-potentials, resting and action potentials, propagation of action potentials, the Bio-electric potentials, bio-potential electrode: Microelectrodes, skin surface electrode, Needle electrodes.


Biomedical recorders: Basic functioning of heart, Electrocardiograph Block diagram of ECG, ISOLATION AMPLIFIER, the ECG leads, Micro processor based ECG Machine, multi channel ECG Machine, vector cardiograph, Apex cardiograph, Ballistocardio graph, PCG, Microphones for PCG, amplifier for PCG, EEG: Electrode for EEG, Block diagram of EEG Machine, EMG Recording, pre amplifier for EMG, low frequency and high frequency filters, display signal delay & Trigger unit, EMG recording method.


Ultrasonic Imaging system: Physics of ultrasonic waves, Medical ultrasound,(Basic Pulse-Echo apparatus), A-scan, Echocardiograph (M-mode), B-scanner, Real time ultrasonic imaging systems (Requirements, Mechanical Sector scanner, Multi-Element Linear Array Scanners, Phase Array system, Duplex Scanner and Annular Array Scanner), Display devices for ultrasonic imaging system, Biological effect of ultrasound.


Imaging System: X-ray Machine and Computed Tomography: X-ray machine, X-ray image Intensifier T.V. system, X-ray computed Tomography (CT Scanner). NMR imaging system : Imager system. Application of NMR Imaging, Advantage & disadvantage of NMR Imaging system

 Reference Books:

 1. Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology By Carr & Brown.
 2. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement by Cromwell, PHI.
 3. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation by R.S.Khandpur, TMH.

IN -4704

L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
4 1 -- Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hours.


MATHEMATICAL MODELLING: Need of mathematical modelling, lumped and distributed parameters, state variables and state equations of chemical processes, mathematical modelling of CSTR, interacting system and non-interacting system.

ANALYSIS OF COMPLEX PROCESSES: Control of jacketed kettle systems, dynamic response of gas absorber, heat conduction into solids , heat exchanger.


ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF ADVANCED CONTROLSYSTEMS: Review and limitation of single loop control, need of multi loops, cascade, selective override, auctioneering, split range , feed forward, feed forward feedback, adaptive, inferential, ratio control, Self adaptive control: MRAC,STR.


Controller Tuning: Tuning of PID controller, Zeigler – Nichols methods, Process reaction curve, Ultimate gain and period method, quarter decay ratio advance method of tuning, IAE, ISE, IATE tuning of controllers. Effect of measurement and transportation lag on process response, Effect of disturbances. I


P-I Diagrams: Standard Instrumentation Symbols for Devices, Signal Types, Representation of a Process Control Loop using PI diagram.

Sampled data Control Systems : Sampling, open loop and closed loop response, Stability, Sampled data control of first order process with transport lag, Design of sampled data controllers.


(1) Kane-Handbook of Advanced Process Control System
(2) Curtis Johnson-Process Control: Instrumentation Technology
(3) Chemical Process Controll by George Stephanopoulos
(4) Process dynamics and Control by Donald P. Eckman
(5) Process systems Analysis and Control Donald R. Coughanowr



L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
3 1 -- Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Project Development Cycle: Pre-investment phase, implementation phase, operational phase. Aspects of Appraisal: Market Appraisal, Technical Appraisal, Financial Appraisal, Economic Appraisal. Objectives of investment decision making. Scouting for project ideas; Preliminary Screening, compatibility with the promoter, consistency with governmental prioritize, availability of inputs, Adequacy of the market, Reasonableness of cost, Acceptability of Risk Level.


Market and Demand Analysis: Information required for Mauler and Demand Analysis, Secondary sources of information, Market Survey - Steps in sample survey, Demand Forecasting, Uncertainty in Demand forecasting, Method of Forecasting, Environmental Changes, coping with uncertainties.

Technical Analysis: Material and inputs; Product Technology; Choice of Technology, Acquiring Technology, Appropriateness, of Technology, Product Mix, Plant Capacity, Location of site.


Financial Estimates: Cost of Project, Main Components, Means of financing, Planning the Capital structure of a new company, Norms of the Controller of Capital issue, Norms and requirements of All India Financial Institutions, Stock Exchange stipulation, Difficulty in raising External Finance, Designing the capital structure.


Project Planning & Control: Functions of Planning, Areas of planning, Project objectives and policies, life cycle of a project, Tools of Planning, Hierarchy of plans; Project Control- Reasons for ineffective control, variance Analysis Approach, Performance
Analysis, Modern Approach to Control.

Reference Books:

4. Project Preparation, Appraisal, Budgeting Implementation by Parsanna Chandra, Tata Mc-graw Hill.



L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
4 1 -- Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Mechanical properties of metals: Elastic properties: Stress & strain; Tensile strength, hardness, malleability, ductility and resilience; Hardness tests and hardness conversion; design and safety factors; polymer elasticity, visco-elasticity, anaelasticity; characteristics, applications and processing of polymers; fiber reinforced composites; Deformation: Types of deformation and mechanisms; slip systems and planes; plastic deformation of polycrystals.


Solidification and crystallization; Phase Diagrams: Phase rule, single component system, binary phase diagrams, micro structural changes during cooling; Lever rule; Some typical phase diagrams – magnesia-alumina system; Copper-Zinc system, Iron-Iron carbide system; Applications of phase diagrams; Phase transformations; Nucleation and growth; Applications: Transformations in steel; the glass transition.


Electrical properties of the Materials: conductor-resistor materials, resistivity range, Electrical conduction in solids: conductors, semiconductors, insulators, ionic conductors; conducting polymers; Semiconductor materials, fabrication of integrated circuits; Superconductors – materials and applications; Thermal properties of metals, ceramics and polymers.


Piezoelectric, ferroelectric and electroceramic materials; dielectric materials and dielectric constants, frequency response of dielectrics and their applications in different sensors; Magnetic materials: Soft and hard magnetic materials; ferrites; Magnetic storage – applications; Material selection process: Design process, selection factors, selection checklist, Availability, economics and business issues; Material treatments.

Refernce Books:

1. Engineering Physical Metallurgy - by Y.Lakhtin(1998) Mir Publs. CBS Publishers
2. Electrical Engineering Materials - by W.Alagappan & N.T.Kumar(1988) Tata Mc-Graw Hill
3. Material Science & Engineering - by V.Raghavan(1987), Prentice-Hall India
4. Introduction to Material science & Engineering - by Kennath M Ralls, Thomas H Courtney and John Wulff (1978) Wiley Eastern Ltd.
5. Engineering Materials Properties and Selection - by Kenn G Budinski (1998) PHI
6. Material science and engineering - by Willium D. Kalister Jr. (2004) John Wiley



L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
4 1 -- Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


 CONTROL VALVE DESIGN: Control valve flow characteristics, valve & process characteristics, effect of distortion coefficient on linear and percentage valve, range-ability of control valve, control valve sizing for liquid vapor and steam. (Special reference to Masoneillian & Fisher Equation) control valve cavitation and flashing: flow control cavitation index, vibration curve cavitation index, calculation of flash fraction. Control valve gain, sequencing of control valve and viscosity correction of control valve.


 Valve noise calculation & reduction: Sources of valve noise, noise control: path treatment source treatment valve noise calculation. Design & construction of Globe Valve: Valve trends, trim design, trim flow characteristics, flow rangeability, standard trim configuration, valve plug stems, Body form of single & double seated Globe valve, construction & flow characteristics of Butterfly valve.


 Discrete State Process Control System: Development & analysis of ladder diagram, logic diagram from ladder diagram, Functional description of PLC difference between PLC & computer. Sizing & selection, PLC peripherals, programming & documentation tools. Communication networking: Universal communications networking, Peer to Peer
communications, PLC installations. Programming the Programmable controller: Programming languages, ladder diagram instructions, special functions, data transfer and data manipulation operations, arithmetic operations, flow control operations, Boolean mnemonics. Functional blocks data transfer operations arithmetic and logic operations, Programmable controller's industrial applications.


Distributed process control system: Functional requirement of DPCS, DCS configurations, control console equipment: Video display, keyboard, peripherals device & display. Software configuration: Operating system configuration, controller function configuration, algorithm, libraries, relay rec. mounted equipment, communication between the components. DCS data high ways, field buses, multiplexers & party line system, Multiplexing & scanning, Multiplexer design. DCS Supervisory computer and configurations: Supervisory computer functions, supervisory control techniques & considerations, DCS & Supervisory computer display, DCS. DCS system integration with PLC & computer.


1. Microprocessor in process control: C.D.Johnson
2. Instrumentation for process measurement and control by N.A. Anderson.
3. Principles and practice of automatic process control: Carlos by A Smith.
4. Instrument Engineers' handbook - Process control by Bela G. Liptak.
5. Computer based Industrial Control by Krishan Kant

IN-4801 Optional -II

L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
4 1 -- Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Air and water Pollution : Sources & Effects Definition and concentrations, classification, emission sources, Air pollution standards, sources of pollutions, effects of Air pollution, Sources of contamination of surface and ground water.


Air Pollution Sampling and Measurements Ambient air sampling, Collection of gaseous air pollutants, Collection of particulate pollutants, stack sampling, Analysis of Air pollutants.


Air Pollution Monitoring Instruments Photometry, Mass spectrometry, NMR, X-ray Fluorescence, Infra red spectrometry, Flame photometry, Atomic absorption spectroscopy, chromatography, Coulometry etc. for measurement of SO2, Nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and particulate matter.


Water Pollution sampling and Measurements and Monitoring Instruments Sampling and Analysis , Samplers-Bailers, Heavy metal and trace metal analysers, pH meters, Resistivity meters, Induced Polarisation(IP) Meter for monitoring of industrial contamination. Waste water management and recycling equipments.

Books recommended :

1. Environmental Pollution Control Engg. C S Rao ; New Age International.
2. Industrial Pollution. V P Kudesa; Pragati Prakashan.
3. Instrumental Methods of Analysis. Willaed,Meritt & Dean ; C B S Publishers.
4. Environmental Pollution Analysis. S M Khopkar ; New Age International.
 5.Ground Water Hydrology David Keith Todd, Wiley Publications
6. Fundamentals of geophysics William Lowrie, Cambridge University press


L T P Sessional:
50 Marks
4 1 -- Theory: 100 Marks
Total: 150 Marks
Time: 3 hrs.


Concepts and Foundations of Remote sensing - Introduction: Energy sources and radiation principles; radiation laws; energy interactions in the atmosphere; energy interactions with earth surface features; data acquisition and interpretation; global positioning system; ideal remote sensing system; characteristics of real remote sensing system; successful applications of remote sensing systems; geographic information systems - introduction.


Sensors and Instruments: Introduction, Photographic sensors, active and passive sensors Visible and near infrared sensors; thermal infrared sensors; microwave sensors; sonic sensors; IR spectrometer Radiometers, Scanners, Sensors and Platforms, Resolution : spatial and temporal, geometric, angular. Satellite systems: Introduction, Land observation satellites, satellite remote sensing, satellite orbits, Landsat systems, land observation satellites, current satellite systems (Landsat class, spot, IRS, broad scale coverage, AVHRR, SeaWiFS, IKONOS, Cartosat etc)


Multispectral thermal and hyper spectral sensing: Introduction, along track, across track scanning; operating principles, examples of Multispectral scanners and data, thermal scanners, along + across track thermal scanning, radiometric calibration of thermal scanners, FLIR systems, hyperspectral sensing, Microwave and lidar sensing : radar development, SAR, geometric characteristics of side looking radar, transmission of radar signals, radar image interpretation, radar remote sensing from space, Seasat, radarsat, ERS, JERS, ALOS, etc. shuttle radar topography mission, Lidar – introduction, sensors, resolution, sensors, development and


Digital image processing fundamentals: Image rectification, enhancement, contrast manipulation, spatial and multi image manipulation, image interpolation, edge detection, image restoration, image classification, , color imaging, data merging and GIS integration

Applications of Remote sensing data: Applications to atmosphere, geosphere, hydrosphere, cryosphere, environmental applications, applications of data collection systems.


1. Remote sensing by FA Sabins, 1992
2. Inroduction to Remote sensing by AP Cracknell and LWB Hayes Taylor & Francis Publ. 1991
3. Remote sensing and image interpretation by Thomas M Lillisand, RW Kiffer, JW Chipaman, John Weily 2004
4. Digital Singal Image Processing by Tamal Bose, JohnWeily, 2004
5. Introduction to JB Campbell, Taylor & Francis Publ.2002

Lab Course

PR4805 - Option – II Lab.

List of Experiments

I) Multi processor Trainer
III) DAC/ Isolated I/O Modules

PR4809 - Project Work


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